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July 1999

Thanks to Lion Paul Schmitz for the excellent meal at our June 3rd meeting.

Congratulations to Lions LeRoy Bren, Welton Zander, Mike Mitchell, and Jack Oberpriller on receiving a Lions growth pin for bringing in a new member during October, 1998.

A donation was made to the Pic-5 program at the high school.

Just a reminder that membership dues for 1999-2000 are now due.  This must be paid by no later than July 1st.  You can send your check by mail to: Howard Lake Lions; P.O. Box 13; Howard Lake, MN  55349.

Our Lions club will once again be sponsoring a queen during Good Neighbor Days this year.  This year's candidate is Emmy Swanson, a senior at HLWW High School.
Our club will be sponsoring a medallion hunt during GND.  The person finding the medallion will win $240.  If that person is wearing a GND button, an additional $60 will be added making it a total of $300(So far, no one has found the medallion).

Our club will also have a float in the GND parade on Sunday, June 27th at 2:00 P.M.  We will again be distributing sno-cones throughout the parade route.  Any member wanting to help on the float should report to the fairgrounds by no later than 1:00 P.M.  We will be the #15 unit in the parade.

Also, our club will be offering a free meal following the parade.  However, anyone coming to the meal must be wearing a GND button.  If not, buttons can be purchased just prior to the meal.  Thanks to Lion Dan Judd for putting this together.

Any member who have sold tickets for the H.L. Lioness boat raffle should turn in their ticket stubs and the money to Lion Hazel Oberpriller ASAP.

A correction in last month's article about our Lions bowling team:  Lion Terry Thorson should have been included in the list of members that bowled this past season.  Our apologies to Lion Terry.

Seniors from HLWW High School who received the Howard Lake Lions Scholarships were Sallie Fall, Leah Jude, and Kris Krohn.  Congratulations to these seniors.  We have already received thank you cards from these seniors.  Also, thanks to Lions Nancy Main and Steve Weber for serving on the scholarship committee this year.

Our club's second annual golf outing this year will be on Saturday, July 17th at the Howard Lake Greens.  Tee time is at 9:00 A.M.  It will once again be a two-person tournament.  However, partners will be determined by the luck of the draw  after the golf  is completed.  If  you are interested in golfing that day,  please call Lion Steve Weber(543-3567) by no later than Thursday, July 8th.  The cost will be $20 per person.  After golf,  you are all invited to Lions Mel and Renee Lahr's residence for a potluck meal.  Please circle this date on your calendar.

Starting July 1st,  new members(except those that are now pending), will now have to pay a  $25 initiation fee in addition to the yearly $30 membership fee.

Congratulations to all the new officers who were installed at our last meeting on June 17th.  Thanks to Lion Darrell Main for doing the installation.  Following the traditional handing over the gavel was performed with Past President Lion Mike Mitchell handing it over to new Lion President Duane Hass.  Let's give Lion Duane all the help and support possible to help get through his term of being President.   A big thank you to Past President Mike Mitchell for serving as president this past year.  Also, thanks to all who serve as officers this past year.

Also, congratulations to Lion Peggy Borders who was installed as a new member of our club that night.  Lion Peggy's sponsor is Lion Mike Main.  Lion Darrell did the installing.

Our next meeting will be on Thursday, July 8th at our regular meeting place.  Lion President Duane Hass will be in charge of the meal that night.  We might be having a guest speaker that night from Norway(still pending).  The meal will be at 7:00 P.M.  with the meeting to follow.
Our second meeting will be on Thursday, July 15th.  There will be a Board of Directors meeting at 6:30 P.M. followed by a meal at 7:00 and then our regular business meeting

Happy birthday to the following Howard Lake Lion members who are celebrating birthdays in July:  Brian McIntosh(1); Val Mitchell(6); Darlene Klugow(20); Welton Zander(20); Donald Danford(22); and Jay Pettit(23).