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 News Letter Archive

July 2002

Thank you to all the Lions who attended and brought food for our potluck meal at our June 6th meeting.  The occasion was to honor Lions Nancy Main and Gloria Wheeler.  These two Lion members have recently retired from HLWW after many years of service at HLWW.

Thanks to the FEW Howard Lake Lion members who put in many hours at this year’s Good Neighbor Days. (WHERE WERE THEREST OF YOU?)

Due to Independence Day falling on Thursday this year, we will be having only one meeting this month.  That will be on Thursday, July 18th at our regular meeting place.  We will try again to have our new officers installed that night.  The officers that are to be installed are as follows:  PRESIDENT—Tom Fiecke; 1ST VICE-PRES.—Darrell Main; 2nd VICE-PRES.—Catherine Brezina; 3rd VICE-PRES.—Duane Hass; SECRETARY—LaNette Thorson; TREASURER—Terry Thorson; BOARD OF DIRECTORS—Joyce Thorson, Nancy Main, Harvey Krohn, and Dennis Massey; TAIL-TWISTER—Duane Hass; LION TAMERS—Mel & Renee Lahr; MEMBERSHIP—Hazel Oberpriller, Verdell Stenberg, Denise Oberpriller.  If you were elected to one of these offices for 2002-03, please make effort to attend this meeting.

We will also have a Board of Directors meeting at 6:30 P.M. followed by a business meeting at 7:00 P.M. (there is no meal that night).  The installation will take place following the meeting.

Orders are still being taken for our new Lions shirts.  The cost of the shirts are $18 (for sizes S – XL) $20 (for size 2XL) and $21 (for size 3XL).  You must pay for the shirt when ordering.  If interested in ordering but cannot attend any of our upcoming meetings, you can order one by mail by sending a check (payable to Howard Lake Lions) along with your name and shirt size to: Howard Lake Lions; P.O. Box 13; Howard Lake, MN 55349.

At the 5M-7 District Awards Night at John P. Murzyn Hall in Columbia Heights, our club finished third in the Governor’s race for 2001-02.

Our Lions Scholarship Committee has made their three choices.  The recipients this year are: Candice Berg, Kris Marketon, and Brad Wynnemer.  The members of the committee Lions Nancy Main, Mike Main, and Steve Weber.
The 2002-03 membership dues are now due.  They are $40 per member and must be paid ASAP.  You can pay them by either attending one of our upcoming meetings or by mailing a check (payable to the Howard Lake Lions) to Howard Lake Lions; P.O. Box 13; Howard Lake, MN 55349.

The Howard Lake Lions will be having a golf tournament on Saturday, July 13th at the Howard Lake Greens.  This will be a four-player scramble with 18 holes of golf to be played.  The tournament is open to the public.  A committee for the golf tournament was formed.  Those Lions serving on the committee are as follows: Steve Weber (Chairman), Duane Hass, Dan Judd, Tom Fiecke, Harvey Krohn, and Matt Grindeland.  The next committee meeting will take place on Saturday, July 6 at 9:00 A.M. at our regular meeting place.  Any other interested Lion members are also urged to attend.

Rules and information
1. The cost of the tournament will be $40 per person or $160 per team (the cost include green fees and prize money.)
2. During the tournament, we will have contests on three different holes.  They are as follows:  Hole #2 will be the longest drive—winner will receive a $25 gift certificate from Joe’s Sport Shop; Hole #3 will be closest to the pin—winner will receive a $25 gift certificate from the Howard Lake Legion; and Hole #9 will be the longest putt—winner of this hole will receive a $25 gift certificate from Bergie’s.
3. Our Lions club will be sponsoring a hole-in-one contest on Hole #7.  The cost of this contest will be $5 per shot.  Each golfer will be entitled to one shot per nine holes.  The golfer who is fortunate to achieve a hole-in-one will receive the money in the pot.  If there is no hole-in-one, the golfer closest to the pin will receive half the pot.  In case of a tie, the pot will be split evenly.
4. There will be prize money for the top three teams.  The first place team will receive $400; the second place team will receive $300; and the third place team will receive $200.
5. After the tournament, our Lions club will be furnishing a complimentary meal consisting of a hog roast with potatoes, rolls, and baked beans.
6. There are more rules listed on the entry form.

If you or someone you know would like to put a team together, please contact Lion Steve Weber (320-543-3567) for an entry form.  When calling, please leave your name and complete address and one will be sent immediately.  There will also be entry forms available at The Greens.  You can also download the entry form off our web site.

You can send your entry form along with your entry fee to: Lion Steve Weber; P.O. Box 22; Howard Lake, MN 55349-0022.  The tournament will be limited to the first eighteen paid teams.  Please make your check payable to the Howard Lake Lions.  If you want to reserve a cart for the tournament, please call The Greens (320-543-3330) by no later than July 5th.

Also, our club will also have their “Members Only” golf tournament this season.  It is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, August 17th at The Greens.  More details in next month’s newsletter.

As many of you by now, Lion Steve Weber will be the editor of the 5M-7 Gram effective on July 1st.  He is going to need help from many of our membership to put this together.  The biggest job will be to be fold, collate, and label the newsletters each month (as of now, we will be putting together over 2,250 newsletters—give or take a few).  This will be done on a Saturday or maybe following a meeting or both.  An announcement will be made at the July 18th meeting when the first “work night” will take place.  PLEASE MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO HELP!

Lion Mardell Lemke suffered a heart attack this week and is currently at the Waconia Hospital.  Please keep her and her family in your prayers.

Also, the recent floods in our area have affected many families.  Keep these people in our prayers also.  We will get through thus together.

Happy birthday to the following Howard Lake Lion members who will be celebrating a birthday in July: Brian McIntosh (1); Cathy Rufer (16); Darlene Klugow (20); Welton Zander (20); and Donald Danford (22).