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July  2001

Thanks to Lions Duane Hass and Catherine Brezina for cooking and serving the meal at our June 7th meeting.   Also, thanks to Diane and Larry Miller of Red’s Café of Montrose for catering our meal at our Officer Installation Night on June 21st.

Thanks to Vice-District Governor Elect Gary Johnson for installing our new officers at our Installation Night.

Donations were made to the Travelling Softball teams to help cover expenses and our scholarships.

The three Howard Lake Lions Scholarship winners from HLWW High School are Cindy Muonio, Peter Leiferman, and Mike Kelley.  Thanks to Lions Nancy Main, Mike Main, and Steve Weber for serving on this committee.

Due to the July 4th weekend, we will have only one meeting in July.  The meeting will take place on Thursday, July 19th at our regular meeting place.  There will be a meal with this meeting.  Lions Matt Grindeland and Jeff Bickmann have volunteered to cook the meal.  A Board of Directors meeting will take place at 6:30 P.M. with the meal at 7:00.  Our regular business meeting will follow the meal.

The Lions International Convention will be in Indianapolis, Indiana from July 2-6.  At that convention, Lion Jack Oberpriller will be remembered.

An appreciation dinner for the town of Howard Lake who have supported our local Lions club through the years will be held on August 25th at Memorial Park in Howard Lake.  We will need help from many of our membership for this event.  Our next committee meeting for the Appreciation Dinner will take place at 9:00 A.M. on Saturday, June 30th at our regular meeting place.  Any members interested in attending may do so. The meal will consist of pork chops, potato salad, baked beans, and Kool-Aid, or coffee.   Lion members who are on this committee are as follows: Mike Main (chairperson), Terry Thorson, Dan Judd, Mel Lahr, Tom Fiecke, and Vern Lemke.

Congratulations to Lion Jeff Bickmann who was installed as a new member in the Howard Lake Lions Club at our June 21st meeting.  Lion Bernie Rohling was Jeff’s sponsor.  Vice-District Governor Elect Gary Johnson performed the installation.

Membership fees for 2001-02 is now due.  You can pay them in one of two ways.  You can pay it in person by attending one of our meetings or you can mail your check (payable to the Howard Lake Lions) to: Howard Lake Lions Club; P.O. Box 13; Howard Lake, MN 55349.  The cost of the dues is $40.00.  Please pay it ASAP.

Enclosed with this month’s newsletter is a two-page history of the Lions Clubs.  Please take time to read it.  It is very informative especially to new members or potential new members.

The first order of our new Lions’ shirts has been sent in.  The shirts should be arrived by our next meeting.  Another order will take place at our July 19th meeting.  The cost of the shirts is as follows:  $18 for sizes S – XL; $20 for size XXL; and $21 for size XXXL.   You must pay for the shirt when ordering.   If interested in ordering a shirt but cannot attend our next meeting, you can order one by mail by sending a check (payable to Howard Lake Lions) with your name and shirt size to Lion Steve Weber; P.O. Box 22; Howard Lake, MN  55349.

The Howard Lake Lions Club will be holding their annual golf tournament at 9:30 A.M. on Saturday, July 14th at The Greens in Howard Lake.  The format will remain the same as in past years.  Partners will be determined by drawing names out of a hat after the golfing is completed.  There will be prizes for the top two or three teams.  There will also be a drawing of various door prizes.  A potluck meal at the home of Lions Melmer and Renee Lahr will take place after the golfing.  The cost of the tournament will be $25 per person (this is a change from the last newsletter).   If you want to participate in the golf tournament but cannot attend any of the upcoming meetings, you can sign up by calling Lion Steve Weber at (320) 543-3567.  Also, family and friends are also invited to participate.  If you have already signed up to play, please pay your entry fee ASAP by either dropping it off at Lion Steve’s residence (909 7th Street) or by mail to Box 22, Howard Lake, MN  55349.

Happy birthday to the following Howard Lake Lion members who will be celebrating a birthday in July:  Brian McIntosh (1); Cathy Rufer (16); Darlene Klugow (20); Welton Zander (20); Donald Danford (22); Monica Boedsheimer (22).

Finally, a big thank you to all the past officers who served their term during this past year and also congratulations to our new officers.