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News Letter Archive
February 2004
Our next meeting will be on Thursday, February 5th at our regular meeting
place. There will be a meal that night which will be at 7:00 P.M.
We are scheduled to have a speaker from the Hearing Dog for the Blind that
night. Our regular business meeting will be at 7:30 P.M.
Our second meeting will be take place on Thursday, February 19th also at our meeting place. There will be a Board of Directors meeting at 6:30 P.M. SLAM (from HLWW High School) will be doing our meal that night which will take place at 7:00 P.M. Our regular business meeting will be at 7:30 P.M.
The Howard Lake Lions held their annual Drug Awareness Poster Contest
this month. Students from Humphrey Elementary, Howard Lake Elementary,
and HLWW High School participated.
The winners according to grade divisions are as follows:
Grades 1 & 2: 1. Lola Russell (2)
Grades 3 & 4: 1. Miguel Montes Deoca (4)
2. Samantha Loebertmann (2)
2. Sarah Marketon (4)
3. Lindsay Marketon (1)
3. Jacob Averill (4)
Grade 5: 1. Mike Nelson Grades 6,7,8:
1. Seth Rajavori (8)
2. Caleb Brown
2. Daniel Merritt (8)
3. Tom Hertzog 3.
Alexa Fern (8)
Grades 9 – 12: 1. Kendra McIlree (11)
2. Tyler Horstmann (9)
All the above winners had their posters judged at the Midwinter Convention. Unfortunately, none of them won.
Thanks to Lions Steve Weber, Joyce Thorson, Mardell Lemke, and Nancy
Main for judgiing the posters this year
PDG Larry Kounkle will be our guest speaker at our March 4th meeting.
He will be speaking about the Hearing Foundation.
Our Lions club will be holding our annual pancake breakfast on Sunday,
April 4th (Palm Sunday) at the Howard Lake Legion. Following the
breakfast, our club will be having Bingo.
Times for these two events will be published in a future newsletter.
A good time was had by all who attended this year’s Midwinter Convention
at the Marriott in Bloomington.
Our club made the following donations to the Parade of Green at the convention: (1) Children’s Eye Clinic; (2) Camp New Hope; (3) 5M7 Wellness Van; (4) Camp Friendship; (5) Leader Dog for the Blind; (6) Camp Needlepoint; (7) Minnesota Eye Bank; and (8) MAC Center.
Our club paid for a pair of glasses for a student at HLWW.
Happy birthday to the following Howard Lake Lion members who will be
celebrating a birthday in February: Gary Hagemann (2); Shelley Reddemann
(7); Erin Judd (12); Bernie Rohling (23); Dan Oestreich (24); and Debbie
McAlpine (27).