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 News Letter Archive

August 2007 

Our first meeting this month will be held on Thursday, August 2nd at our Lions’ Hall at 7:00 p.m. The meal is being prepared by Lion Julie assisted by Lion Bernie.

Board of Directors meeting will be held on Thursday August 9th at our Lions’ Hall at 7:00 p.m.

Our second meeting will take place on Thursday, August 16th at our Lions’ Hall at 7:00 p.m. The meal will be Pot Luck.

Meals The first meeting of the month, a Lion (or Lions) will volunteer to cook the meal.  The second meeting of the month will always be potluck.  This should make it easy for members to know what to expect each meeting.  If you are unable to bring a dish to share for the potluck, please do come.  The potlucks are always great and we have plenty of food for everyone.


Good Neighbor Days was a big success.  Thank you to everyone who helped!!  It was very busy and it takes a lot of work to pull it off.


GOLF TOURNAMENT The 6th Annual Howard Lake Lions 4-man Scramble Golf Tournament was held at Shadow Brooke Golf course on Saturday, July 14th. Thanks to Lion Debbie McAlpine for a job well done. Also Thank You to the Lions who helped out. The date has been set for next year, Saturday, July 12th 2008.

DUES ARE DUE!!! Save the club some money by paying your dues before we have to send out statements. If you have not yet paid your dues, they are due and are $50.00. You may mail your dues to Howard Lake Lions, PO Box 13, Howard Lake MN 55349. Or you can pay them at a meeting to the Secretary or Treasurer.

LEMONADE SOCIAL Thank you to those Lions who worked at the Lemonade Social at Camp Friendship.

The Montrose Lions are hosting the first zone meeting on Monday, August 6th at the Community Center in Montrose.
Social hour starts at 6:00 p.m. and the dinner at 7:00 p.m.  The club has voted to pay the cost of the meal for our Lions
attending the zone meeting.  If you sign up to go and do not attend, you must pay the club back for the cost of the meal.


The Board of Directors will be meeting the 2nd Thursday of each month. All members are invited to attend. The Board will conduct business like paying bills, voting on new and dropping members, and requests for donations. Most of the items before the Board will be discussed and brought back to the Club for final approval.
News Letter 
If you have any ideas, comments or news for the newsletter please let us know. Email: or mail to Howard Lake Lions PO Box 13 Howard Lake MN 55349.
BIRTHDAYS Happy Birthday to all the Howard Lake Lion members who are celebrating their birthday in August: Tim Oberpriller (13); Stan Roberts (26).